Creating Workplaces with a Point of View About Conflict

People seem confused by the idea of focusing on building "soft skills" in the workforce. As though it is like telling everyone that they need to start bringing their favorite childhood stuffed animal to work (or to their virtual spaces).

It's not about teaching people how to be good and caring human beings. It's about teaching people how best to show they care and setting some cultural norms around it. It's not about teaching people to focus more on their interpersonal relationships than their tasks. It's about understanding that their work is easier, and more productive if their interpersonal relationships flourish.

When it comes to conflict, it's not about simply teaching people that you, “Expect people to reason things out with each other.” It's about creating a workplace that has a strong point of view about what conflict is (and isn't), and gives people the words, phrases, and skills needed to approach it with confidence.

The truth is, even people who aren't scared of conflict still don't know what is acceptable and expected.

Because no one has ever shown them.

People need these types of “soft skills” more than any others.

Have you ever worked somewhere where approaching conflict has been modeled well for you?


Stay in the Green


How to Craft Your Conflict Mission Statement