Hi, I’m Anna Nielsen.

Working both as a conflict resolution professional and an executive leader has illuminated this truth: every organization needs a shared method for addressing conflict and they don’t have it.

So, I created it.

Step into a new era of effectiveness.

Learning the Conflict Capable Method guarantees that everyone possesses the knowledge and skills to respond proactively and confidently to conflict as it happens.

It is strategic, results-driven, and practical.

In most workplaces, guidelines are in place for just about everything. Need to change the printer's ink cartridge? There's a manual for that! Have to request time off or submit an invoice? There's a process for that too!

Given the abundance of training and guidance on various tasks, why not have a strategy and process for handling workplace conflict? After all, conflict costs organizations a whopping $359 billion annually, dragging down workforce morale, job satisfaction, and increasing employee turnover.

More crucially, conflict hampers the creativity and innovation organizations need to thrive in the 21st century. The surge in remote work has only exacerbated misunderstandings and miscommunications.

Drawing from my extensive experience as an executive leader for mission-driven organizations, I've witnessed how conflict hinders potential.

It’s time for something new.

My background includes significant expertise in civil mediation, civil mediation training, conflict resolution consulting, and facilitated dialogues. I'm here to help shift mindsets about conflict and provide everyone with the shared skills necessary to approach and handle conflicts.

This way, everyone can:

  • Clearly understand the expected actions when conflict arises

  • Experience less fear, become more productive, and nurture their best relationships and ideas

  • Utilize the same skills, words, and phrases

  • Follow a shared process for approaching conflict within a supportive culture

Together, let's build a brighter future where your employees are empowered to address conflict directly, rather than resorting to HR, gossip, or letting it linger.

Let's unlock your unlimited potential.